Photography with Greig Cranna
Pine Street Inn: Wales St, Dorchester
Homeowner's Rehab: Allston St, Cambridge
We recently finished up a series of photo shoots with Greig Cranna, an architectural photographer with a similar focus to ours - including affordable and supportive housing. We got two great street shots of two smaller projects with Pine Street Inn and Homeowner's Rehab, Inc., as well as a longer shoot with the multi-building Patriot Homes in South Boston.
Besides the outdoor shots, we spent time in the shared common room in the old police station building (which is being put to good use, with its own growing library) as well as the new South Boston NDC offices, which are now located on the site of their newest property.

Greig was great to work with, and we're glad to have these new projects documented! Incidentally, we were lucky to fit all this work into Greig's schedule, as he's currently devoting most of his time to a book on bridges and urban identity, which was recently featured on ArchDaily. You can check out that project at the link below, or refer to his website for more of his residential work: